Monday, November 30, 2009

Frank Danger


Current Weight = 142.9kg
Heaviest Weight = 147.1kg (March 2009)


I'm Frank. And this is my journey.
I'm a superhero. My arch nemesis is FAT!
But I will prevail.

I don't like going outside, but I don't like being inside all day.
I recently joined the Gym. Every Monday I have to get up, put on me (tight) gym clothes and make the short drive to the gym. I sit in the carpark for about 10 minutes trying to motivate myself to walk in. At the beginning I would start my car and drive home and then spend the rest of the day crying, but now I walk in head held high and spend (currently) 30-40 minutes on the treadmill.

I've tried the Cross Trainer, but I nearly fell off the first time I used it, so I'm a little bit scared to just it. But I will. The Cross Trainer is my Villian. The first foe, in a long list of foes I must defeat.

But Cross Trainer will be my first!

1 comment:

  1. wishing you the best of luck defeating all of your foes!! on monday i started my journey to lose weight lol.. so far.. going.. um.. ok? lol but im sure you can do it!!!

